HIGH School
Cambridge International AS & A level
Cambridge International offers Cambridge Advanced curriculum that brings success for learners. The syllabuses prepare learners for university study, which is why universities worldwide value and recognise Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications.
Cambridge International AS & A Level develops learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills in:
- In-depth subject content
- Independent thinking
- Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations
- Handling and evaluating different types of information source
- Thinking logically and presenting ordered and coherent arguments
- Making judgements, recommendations and decisions
- Presenting reasoned explanations, understanding implications and communicating them logically and clearly
- Working and communicating in English.
Cambridge International A Level is typically a two-year course, and Cambridge International AS Level is typically one year. Some subjects can be started as a Cambridge International AS Level and extended to a Cambridge International A Level. At BIS we offer 13 subjects and the students have a certain degree of flexibility in choosing these subjects.
Assessment options
Cambridge International offers the following range of assessment options to gain Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications:
- Take the Cambridge International AS Level only. The syllabus content is half a Cambridge International A Level.
- Take a ‘staged’ assessment route – take the Cambridge International AS Level in one examination series and complete the final Cambridge International A Level at a subsequent series. AS Level marks can be carried forward to a full A Level twice within a 13 month period.*
- Take all papers of the Cambridge International A Level course in the same examination session, usually at the end of the course.
At BIS, we offer our students option 2 – ‘staged’ assessment route. Students take examinations under the June series and results are issued in August.
Reporting achievement
Each subject that a learner takes receives a separate grade.
Grades are benchmarked using internationally recognised grades, which have clear guidelines to explain the standards of achievement.
The Cambridge International A Level is reported on a grade scale from A* (highest) to E (minimum required performance). There is no A* grade for Cambridge International AS Levels, which run from grade A to E.
For further details, please visit: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-advanced/cambridge-international-as-and-a-levels/
Cambridge AICE Diploma
The Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma is an international curriculum and examination system that emphasises the value of broad and balanced study. Alongside in-depth understanding of a variety of subjects, students also need to master a broader range of skills critical for success in university study and employment.
The Cambridge AICE Diploma was first awarded in 1997 and has since become popular with a range of schools in different parts of the world. It encompasses the ‘gold standard’ Cambridge International AS and A Level qualifications, and offers students the opportunity to tailor their studies to their individual interests, abilities and future plans within an international curriculum framework.
Cambridge AICE Diploma curriculum
The Cambridge AICE Diploma is made up of individual Cambridge International AS & A Levels, which have widespread international standing as educational qualifications.
By demanding knowledge from three different subject groups, plus the core compulsory subject, Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, the Cambridge AICE Diploma provides a broad curriculum with a balance of maths and science, languages, arts and humanities, and interdisciplinary subjects. It maintains flexibility and choice by allowing students to choose subjects at different levels.
To achieve the Diploma, all learners will need to study and pass the revised Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239). This skills-based course challenges learners to think critically, analyse evidence and compare perspectives. The learning is assessed through a team project and presentation as well as a written examination.
There are over 50 Cambridge International AS and A Level subjects to choose from across four subject groups:
- Group 1: Mathematics and Sciences
- Group 2: Languages
- Group 3: Arts and Humanities
- Group 4: Interdisciplinary subjects (optional)
Cambridge AICE Diploma Credits
Learners must achieve at least one credit from each of Groups 1, 2 and 3. A maximum of two credits can count from Group 4, which is optional.
To achieve the Cambridge AICE Diploma, learners must achieve a minimum of seven credits (including Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research) from subject groups 1, 2, and 3 (and optionally Group 4) to be awarded the Diploma. Learners must achieve at least one credit from each of Groups 1, 2 and 3.
The remaining credits can come from any of the groups. A Cambridge International AS Level is awarded one credit, and a Cambridge International A Level is awarded two credits.
Learners who pass the Cambridge International A Level in Global Perspectives & Research meet the compulsory requirement of the core group and also have one credit which may then be included in Group 4 to contribute to the overall requirement of seven credits.
For further details, please visit: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-advanced/cambridge-aice-diploma/